Tucker County Fair web site!
I've been on the Tucker County Fair board for the 2008-2009 year. I got the board to agree to let me register a domain name and setup a web site for them. I think it's comming along pretty good so far, but man the issues with CSS and browser compatibiilty - it can make you nuts! Anyway, I've gotten the web site structure setup and it seems to be working good across common browsers as well as Mac's. There was a special fix I had to deal with for Mac's running Safari and Opera that had to do with the ASP.NET menu control. I found a couple of fixes that involved creating a new class that inherits System.Web.UI.Page (we'll call this class "PageBase") which has an event handler for the Page_PreInit event to set Page.ClientTarget = "uplevel". However, this method requires setting all the Pages to inherit the new PageBase class instead of the System.Web.UI.Page class. This method also has to be used when using MasterPages, as Maste...